Regulation (EC) No 999/2001, amended by Regulation (EU) No 56/2013 of January 16th 2013, applies to the production and placing on the market of live animals and products of animal origin. It provides
in its Annex IV the conditions of use of certain products of animal origin in animal feed.

Among these products of animal origin, can be found processed animal protein (PAP), blood products, gelatin derivatives, cartilage and dicalcium and tricalcium phosphate of animal origin.

This note sets out a summary regarding permissions of dicalcium phosphate derived from bone (bone DCP) and dicalcium phosphate of mineral origin in animal feed and describes the special conditions relating to the placing on the market, transport, storage and uses of bone DCP.

Elements are summarized in the table in page 2.

  DCP of animal origin (Bone DCP) Mineral DCP
Bone DCP and compound feed containing bone DCP The words “contains dicalcium/tricalcium phosphate of animal origin — shall not be fed to ruminants” are mandatory on commercial document or health certificate of the product, and on the packaging.  
Transport :                                                                     - Bulk bone DCP and bulk compound feed containing bone DCP

Basic rule:

Cannot be transported in vehicles and containers used for the transport of feed intended for ruminants

Exemption to the rule:

In order to transport feed intended for ruminants in vehicles or containers which have been previously used to transport bulk bone DCP or compound feed containing bone DCP, a cleaning must be done in accordance with a documented procedure which has been given prior authorization by the competent authority.

Production :                                                                             -compound feed containing bone DCP

Basic rule:

Can be produced only in establishments which do not produce compound feed for ruminants AND which are authorized by competent authority.

Exemption to the rule:

In order to produce compound feed for ruminants as well, an on-site inspection must be done by the competent authority, it is subject to compliance with the following conditions :                                                                                                                                                                     1) Compound feed intended for ruminants must be manufactured and kept, during storage, transport and packaging, in facilities that are physically separate from those facilities where compound feed for non- ruminants are manufactured and kept.

2) Records detailing the purchases and uses of bone DCP and the sales of compound feed containing those products must be kept available to the competent authority for a period of at least five year.

3) Regular sampling and analysis of the compound feed intended for ruminants must be carried out according to official methods in order to verify the absence of unauthorized constituents of animal origin. These results are kept available to the competent authority for a period of at least 5 years.

Use and storage                                                 -Bone DCP

Prohibited on farms keeping ruminants

- compound feed containing bone DCP

Basic rule:

Prohibited on farms keeping ruminants

Exemption to the rule:

Require authorization by competent authority, provided that on-farm measures are implemented to prevent such compound feed being fed to ruminants.


*Méthods defined by regulation (EC) n° 152/2009 laying down the methods of sampling and analysis for the official control of feed.