IFP elects its new Chairperson
Brussels, November 2024 - IFP members did elect their new chairperson who took over from Caroline Biard (Phosphea, France). The new chair, Ognjen Farkas, General Director in Europe at Phosphea, will guide the Cefic sector group representing the producers of inorganic feed phosphates for 3 years.
After his election, Ognjen Farkas, expressed gratitude for the election and shared his ambitions for the coming term:
“It is an honour to represent the most renowned European feed phosphate solution makers within IFP Working Group at CEFIC.
Phosphate as a key element in metabolism and the backbone of animal DNA, plays a crucial role as functional raw material in animal nutrition.
Therefore, our IFP Group performs a crucial role as well and we bear responsibility to respond to current challenges in the animal feeding industry that revolve around feed performance, optimization, animal health & well-being and sustainability.
Moreover, we will continue on our level to participate in securing and promoting European food sovereignity.
As a new Chair of IFP Working Group , I therefore commit to continue and fully involve in promoting the highest European quality standards from factory to farm and carry strongly the voice of our Group members.
Thank you for your trust & support”
The IFP members expressed their gratitude to Caroline Biard (Phosphea) for her engagement and dedication.
Ognjen Farkas, General Director in Europe at Phosphea
IFP redefines its vision, mission, scope and objectives
Hannover, November 2022 - At the occasion of its annual General Assembly meeting, the members of the Cefic Sector Group "Inorganic Feed Phosphates" (IFP) - Phosphea, GlobalFeed, Yara International, EuroChem - unanimously adopted new vision and mission statements for the group, defined its product and geographical scope, and set new objectives for the coming years.
From left to right: Jorge Roman Casso (Global Feed), Guido Kuhn (Yara International), Caroline Biard (Phosphea), Eric Hervé (Phosphea), Javier Dupuy (Global Feed), Sergei Krygine (EuroChem), Roland Erikers (Yara International), Bernard de Galembert (IFP/Cefic)
Phosphate feed producers endorse FEFAC’s 5 ambitions for sustainability
In a release dated 7th of December 2020, the European producers of inorganic feed phosphates welcome the recent publication by FEFAC of its Feed Sustainability Charter 2030 and endorse the 5 ambitions it sets for the European feed sector as a whole. They intend to bring their contribution to the ongoing endeavor of the feed sector towards more sustainable farming.